SDI is a committed partner in creating long-lasting, sustainable support services for the armed forces and governmental agencies. Public facilities carry with them a comprehensive set of standards and procedures; SDI has the experience to navigate these logistically demanding projects, and create functional, cost effective facilities that can adapt to changing priorities.

Aurora State Veterans Home - CO
Buckley Air Force Base - CO
Camp Pendleton - Replacement Naval Hospital - CA
Centennial Building and Federal Center - CO
Denver Federal Center - CO
Elberton Readiness Center - GA
Falcon Air Force Base - CO
Federal Reserve of Atlanta - Cafeteria - GA
Fitzsimons - NCO Club - CO
Florence State Veterans Home - CO
Fort Hood - Replacement Hospital - TX
Fort Jackson - SC
Fort Knox Army Medical Center - KY
Hale Koa Hotel|Armed Forces - HI
Kuwait Correctional Facility - Kuwait
Muniz Air National Guard - Puerto Rico
Reston State Veterans Home - VA
Rhein Ordnance Barracks Medical Center - Germany
San Antonio Military Medical Center - TX
Schriever Air Force Base - CO
Scott Air Force Base - IL
US Air Force Space Command - CO
US Census Bureau Headquarters - MD
Walter Reed Army Medical Center - DC
Wright-Patterson AFB - Hospital Renovation - OH